How can a communist not stand up in a time of crisis?

Release time:2022-03-02 Author: Zhejiang Honglee Auto Parts Group

The epidemic came with a sudden and unexpected fury, but our resistance is strong and unified. In this round of the epidemic, we, the party members, must not forget our original aspirations and keep our mission firmly in mind. We must step forward, unite, and lead the general public to implement the decisions and deployments of the municipal Party committee and government, and resolutely win the battle against the epidemic.

This is an order of mobilization, a declaration, and a military order. "In critical moments, how can party members not stand up?"

To effectively block the spread of the epidemic, Pinghu has carried out multiple rounds of nucleic acid testing. To reduce mobility, testing sites are set up nearby. At each testing site, there is a need for someone to take temperatures, check health codes, maintain order, and register. When the trade union and party branch issue a call, the branch forwards it in the WeChat group. Besides those on duty, the other party members respond. Branch secretary Xiao Hong, party members Zhou Guoqiang and Liu Yao have signed up.

During the epidemic, the temperature has been dropping, and the testing time is getting earlier. Volunteers get up at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning to assemble, braving wind and rain for road duty. For weak elderly people, they prioritize testing; for residents in close contact, they patiently persuade; for crying children, they comfort them gently; for people making unreasonable demands, they maintain composure. After half a day, their mouths are dry but they still feel satisfied. These are our party members, a group of lovely people!

"Let me take your temperature"; "Your temperature is a bit low, go over to the side and cover your forehead before testing"; "Your temperature is a bit high, maybe the temperature in the car is too high. Wait over there and don't use the AC"; "It's your first day at work. Get your temperature taken outside the guardhouse. HR will come to handle the paperwork after 8 o'clock". They are patient and guide at the factory gate. After resuming production, employees are returning to work one after another. Strengthening the investigation of returning workers is a key focus of epidemic prevention work. Volunteers also assist the epidemic prevention team to carry out pre-investigations on returning workers. They understand the situation of personnel who plan to return to work, including their place of residence, travel trajectory, transportation means, and living conditions after returning. Only those who meet the conditions are allowed to return to work to ensure smooth production. At the time of the epidemic, all the members of Hongli branch practiced the oath of joining the party and fulfilled the obligations of the party members with practical actions.

In this battle without smoke, facing the severe test, Hongli Auto Parts Group mobilized urgently, responded quickly, responded positively, arranged carefully, and pushed forward the prevention and control work in a powerful and orderly manner, and achieved a phased victory in the battle against the epidemic.