2017 Kangpurui fire drill activity.

Release time:2017-12-08 Author: Zhejiang Honglee Auto Parts Group

To enable all employees of the company to understand basic fire safety knowledge, enhance safety awareness, and strengthen self-protection ability, to master the skills of response and escape in case of sudden fire, and to learn medical first aid, fire extinguishing, and orderly evacuation and property rescue, to ensure the safety of employees' lives and property, KPR organized a fire drill activity on December 8th, 2017.

At 14:00 PM, a simulated emergency situation occurred, and the commander immediately issued emergency instructions while broadcasting evacuation instructions to all employees. After the alarm was raised, participating personnel immediately organized evacuation to the open space within the factory area according to the emergency plan. Each group leader first confirmed the evacuation situation and reported to the commander. After confirmation that all personnel had evacuated, the drill entered the next stage - medical assistance. Wounds were bandaged and CPR was performed. The drill personnel explained the operation steps and precautions while demonstrating the skills, improving their professional skills in medical assistance. According to the established plan, the final step was fire extinguishing demonstration. The safety environmental protection personnel demonstrated how to use a fire extinguisher, and on-site employees actively participated in on-site fire extinguishing. Subsequently, a hose extinguishing drill was conducted, with three people working closely together to complete the connection of the hose and spraying water jets into the sky.

After the drill ended, the commander summarized the exercise and pointed out its shortcomings. At the same time, he wished KPR to carry out all work safely and effectively in 2017 and achieve its annual goal with full throttle. The purpose of this exercise is to strengthen employees' awareness of "prevention first, safety first" through exercises, improve their self-rescue and scientific escape abilities; cultivate employees' spirit of mutual assistance and escape ability in case of emergency danger; enable everyone to truly learn, understand, master and use various emergency skills, enhance fire safety awareness, and institutionalize fire safety activities in the company.