Introduction to labor union work.

Release time:2020-07-10 Author: Zhejiang Honglee Auto Parts Group

Under the guidance and assistance of the superior labor union, with the strong support of the company's party branch and administration, the labor union of the Hongli Group earnestly implemented the spirit of the company's workers' congress, followed the general requirements of the company's labor union work, and took "concentrating on development, serving the workers, and building harmony" as the guideline. With the "promotion of 'five-type' labor union, learning-oriented team construction, and deepening of 5S management" as the working focus, the labor union fully mobilized the enthusiasm and creativity of the workers, forged ahead, kept pace with the times, and strived to build a first-class Manulife with "stable and smooth operation, advanced technology, first-class indicators, beautiful environment, unity and harmony, and safety and harmlessness".

One, carry out labor competition activities in flexible and diverse forms We have deeply understood in practice that carrying out labor competition activities is an important embodiment of implementing the fundamental guiding principle of relying on the working class with wholehearted devotion; it is an effective way to improve workers' production enthusiasm and production efficiency; it is also an objective requirement to improve the overall quality of the workforce; it is also an effective way to promote the rapid and efficient development of production capacity, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. In combination with the production reality of each company, we have formulated a year-round labor competition plan, clarified the guiding ideology of the competition, established the content and form of the competition, and divided the labor competition into three systems: first, the labor competition of each team, which is carried out by each team as a unit, to learn, catch up, compare, and evaluate; second, individual labor competition, which reflects more labor and more rewards, with monthly embodiment; third, special labor competition, which is carried out for special requirements and situations that arise in production and operation for a short period of time to solve difficult problems.

Two, carry out mass technological innovation activities solidly and build a platform for workers' innovation and efficiency improvement Mass economic and technological innovation activities are the best combination point for trade union organizations to carry out work related to the company's center and the best entry point for trade union organizations to meet employee needs and continuously improve employee quality. Therefore, for many years, we have always adhered to carrying out various economic and technological innovation activities around the company's key work and have continued to carry out mass technological innovation and rationalization proposal collection work. We have achieved考核—review—reward—publicity, mobilized employees to participate actively, focusing on safe production, technological innovation, energy conservation and consumption reduction, environmental governance and other topics for innovative research and rationalization proposal collection activities. In the past two years, we have collected more than 30 valid rationalization suggestions, 9 technological innovation achievements, and 12 rationalization suggestions have been applied in production. At the same time, we have done a good job in selecting advanced operating methods for workers. Five workers' operating methods have been promoted.

Three, promote the continuous improvement of the overall level of creating learning teams The team is the most dynamic cell of the company, the basic unit of creating value, and the basic place for workers to learn technology, improve their quality, and play their role. In the past two years, we have persisted in focusing on improving the quality of team leaders as a key task. The trade union has focused on training grassroots team leaders and organized learning team backbones training courses, "devil training camps", team building camps, etc., to build a shared platform for team building. Led by the trade union chairman, we organized people above the management level to carry out collective reading clubs. Through rotating sharing, exchanging learning experiences, mutual supervision, and reading good books together, we improved the overall quality of team leaders and enhanced their sense of creation and ability.

Fourth, people-oriented polymerization of forces, and to create a brilliant, solidly carry out the creation of harmonious labor relations enterprises to be invincible in the competition, the key is to establish a harmonious and stable labor relations. Especially in the current severe situation of talent shortage to the enterprise's steady and sustainable development of the uncertainty brought about by the environmental impact of the necessity and urgency of enterprises to build harmonious labor relations is particularly important. Over the years, the Group has insisted on doing five visits and three talks in the daily work to enter the hearts of the employees, listen to their voices, stabilize their emotions and build harmonious labor relations. Group fully implement the social security system for employees, safeguard the legitimate rights of employees, so that the distribution of labor, the full amount of payment; in the information disclosure to deepen the democratic management of factory affairs, to ensure that the democratic rights and interests of employees; the establishment and improvement of the staff representatives of the "Symposium" system, so that it has become the cohesion of hearts and minds, communication, communication, and building a platform for harmony! Continuing to promote the in-depth development of the "Staff Reading" activity, in terms of staff activities, to active grass-roots level, highlighting the mass, amateur, small and diversified, to carry out a variety of sports and recreational activities, such as the Mid-Autumn Festival, fun games, film appreciation, mountaineering, family education lectures, and so on, enriching the amateur cultural life of the staff, and promoting the physical and mental health of the staff. These activities have enriched the spare time life of the staff, promoted their physical and mental health, boosted their morale and created a good cultural atmosphere. Over the years, in order to solve the problem of unattended children of double-income families, the company has set up nursery classes to provide free evening care for employees; the labor union has also sent warmth to Yuxin Elementary School for three consecutive years, sending school supplies, sports equipment, fun toys, books and so on.

Fifth, improve labor protection network, strengthen labor protection supervision, and build a safety protection barrier. Strengthening employee labor protection is a basic requirement for trade unions at all levels to fulfill their responsibilities and protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees. It is also the basic way for trade unions to play their role. Hongli Group has given full play to the advantages of trade unions in contacting the masses and organizing the masses, established a three-level safety management network mechanism with the general manager, department head, and team leader as the overall responsible person; and a three-level labor protection supervision and inspection network with the Party branch, trade union committee, and safety environmental protection group as the main body. A hierarchical, standardized, and efficient safety management new pattern covering the whole company has been formed. Trade unions have actively cooperated with the administrative department in combination with the actual situation of the factory, taking "Ankang Cup" competition and "Safety Month Series Activities" as the carrier to inject new content into labor protection work. For example, during the Safety Month of 2017, we actively organized a series of activities such as labor protection supervision inspections by employee representatives, reporting of potential safety hazards, providing safety reminders to colleagues, listing common illegal phenomena around us, learning emergency rescue skills, etc., with significant results. In the future, trade unions in Hongli Group will fully perform the four functions of trade unions: maintenance, participation, education, and construction. Based on the principles of "being close to the center, serving the overall picture; being close to grassroots level, playing a role; being close to employees and doing more practical things", we will do practical things, focus on key points, and seek actual results. We will work hard to build trade unions into homes that the Party and governments can rest assured about and employees can trust, homes with love.