Theme Party Day Activity of Hongli Auto Parts Group Party Branch and Organization Life Meeting in February.

Release time:2023-02-24 Author: Zhejiang Honglee Auto Parts Group

In order to comprehensively implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the twentieth CPC National Congress, a profound understanding of the decisive significance of the "two establishments", to enhance the "four consciousnesses", "four confidence", to achieve the "two safeguards", to carry forward the great spirit of the party, adhere to the self-revolution, and to enhance the party organization's political function and organizational function, the party branch of Hongli Auto Parts Group in the afternoon of February 24th, 2023, to carry out the organization of the life of the party members and the democratic evaluation activities, the meeting was chaired by the party branch of the deputy secretary of the party branch of Comrade Xu Guang, all the party members participated in the meeting.

At the meeting, Deputy Secretary Xu Guang briefed on the implementation of rectification measures for the 2022 special democratic life meeting on the study and education of the party history, and the opinions solicited before the meeting. He made a careful self-examination, identified problems and deficiencies, analyzed the causes, and clarified the direction of efforts.
At the meeting, members of the Party group spoke one after another, exchanging and discussing problems in their work and life. They criticized and helped each other, put forward valuable opinions and suggestions, and deeply recognized their own shortcomings. The group meeting lasted for more than two hours, with a warm atmosphere, and effectively achieved the effect of "red face and sweating".
At the end of the meeting, Xiao Hong, the secretary of the Party branch, summarized: criticism and self-criticism are the sharp weapons of our party to strengthen and heal the body and maintain the health of the body, and also an important means to strengthen and standardize the political life within the party. As grassroots party members, we should always maintain political consciousness, set an example for others in our work, and at the same time, strengthen self-learning, self-improvement, study the history of the party, and pay attention to current events. Carrying out criticism and self-criticism is helpful to clean up ideological and political dust and enhance the ability of the Party branch and party members to rely on themselves to solve their own problems.
This democratic life meeting had a clear theme, focused on key points, and was serious and conscientious. The members of the party committee put themselves, their responsibilities, and their work into the meeting, deeply analyzed the ideological roots, identified the existing problems, and further formed a good atmosphere of serious political life within the party, laying a solid foundation for promoting the innovation and transformation of the enterprise.

Author: Liu Li
Department: Party branch
Contact information: 18069695219